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Updated: 2023-12-14

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2022 - Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The first breakfast.

The first breakfast.

The weekly menu.

The weekly menu.

Record temperature for the first time.

Record temperature for the first time.

The first time an hour outside.

The first time an hour outside.

And the view.

And the view.

This is our first full quarantine day.
We both slept very badly in The Green Park Resort, especially Pia. We sleep in a strange environment, and we are very tired of the journey and the hassle that belongs to it. And we wake up early.
At eight o'clock there is a knock on the door, the breakfast is ready on the table next to the door. It looks reasonably abundant, and if we eat it turns out it also appears to taste reasonably.
We take our temperature for the first time, as that has been asked, we don't know if we do that the righr way, but when we pass on the measurement it seems to be in order.

Pia receives a message with the test results, we don't have a corona, as we had expected and hoped.

Pia asks at the reception if we can get extra cutlery and two plates, eating from a plastic container is not very convenient.
After a while these items are placed next to the door. She also asks whether we can get the room off, move a little. That is allowed for an hour a day, bur first report at the reception.

When we sit on our terrace we notice that there are pretty many birds in the garden. And luckily very few hotel guests in the pool.

If we get off the room in the afternoon, Pia asks at the reception when the room is cleaned. That is after we left, in the mean time we must do that yourself. If we want clean towels or sheets we have to put the dirty laundry outside the room, and then we get clean linen.
Pia wants a stoffer and gaze to wipe the room and the terrace, and we get it too. Just like a til (baby bath) to soak our feet and to use as a footstool.
The day passes by reading, chatting and computing.

Written on: 2022-02-20


We tell what we have done and experienced during a trip and we also tell what we think about it; no more and no less.

This is not a travel guide, nor is it advice to visit a place or not. There are other sites for that.
Our opinion about places where we have eaten, drunk or slept is not intended as a (positive or negative) assessment, there are other sites for that.
It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.